Comic Lore

This is specifically for my Pokemon comics. Lore for non-Pokemon comics will likely be found on the respective comic pages.

Establishing lore that isn't explicitly stated in the comics but are found in comments. CTRL+F to search for specific terms.

Updated 10-7-2024 0137.0233.0474 PORYGON/PORYGON2/PORYGON-Z.


#0000 HUMANS: Humans are a species of Pokemon. Humans can evolve into different Pokemon upon death based on evolution conditions much like Eevee. Some are required to die in a forest, some are required to die on a mountain, some are required to have invested enough time into a certain skill, etc. Humans that don't meet evolution criteria can become wandering spirits that can influence the birth of other Pokemon such as Sandygast. 

#0019.0020 RATTATA/RATICATE: Despite some having human-level intelligence, Rattata is a staple for many meat-eating Pokemon. They have a short lifespan. 

#0029.0030.0031 NIDORANF/NIDORINA/NIDOQUEEN: NidoranF can only evolve once it is pregnant. The evolution is to help protect the egg.  They grow sad when their children leave the nest. They're the primary caretakers of orphans and foster kids. Support groups exist solely of the Nidoqueen line who lost their egg and are unable to produce another due to a Nidoqueen's and Nidorina's natural infertility. Recent advancements in technology might allow a Nidoqueen a second chance at another egg in fertility trials. NidoranF is taught by others early on to recognize what a Moon Stone looks like to avoid it at all costs. A darker snout tip and sparkly horn on a Nidoqueen is more attractive to a Nidoking. A Nidoqueen is one of the only creatures that can calm its mate down during a rampage. 

#0032.0033.0034 NIDORANM/NIDORINO/NIDOKING: Nidoking are known for having a short temper and a penchant for fighting.

#0095.0208 ONIX/STEELIX: They are silicon-based life forms. Its internals are akin to the metamorphic process (of which most of the Earth's crust is made of); producing heat and pressure to crush the rocks it eats. They excrete diamonds as waste. 

#0096.0097 DROWZEE/HYPNO: Both Drowzee and Hypno are naturally malicious.

#0132 DITTO: Like amoeba, they have little intelligence.

#0133.0134.0135.0136.0196.0197.0470.0471.0700. EEVEE/VAPOREON/JOLTEON/FLAREON/ESPEON/UMBREON/LEAFEON/GLACEON/SYLVEON: Sylveon evolve by loving someone outside of their family beyond infatuation and have taken a great risk for the lover (based on the individual so each Sylveon may have a different story as to how they evolved). Eevees do not need evolution stones to evolve. If an Eevee spends a lot of time around water, they'll naturally evolve into a Vaporeon. If it spends a lot of time around electrically charged Pokemon or fields (example: Amp Plains), they'll turn into Jolteon (and if an Eevee gets hit by lightning, they turn into a special form of Jolteon). Etc. That being said, evolution stones still exist naturally and can evolve them. Espeon and Umbreon are based on friendship still. | Glaceon's saliva is made of liquid nitrogen.

#0137.0233.0474 PORYGON/PORYGON2/PORYGON-Z: In all three versions of Porygon, the song it plays when prompted is Daisy Bell.

#0148.0149.0150 DRATINI/DRAGONAIR/DRAGONITE: The line lives around a millennia. They live long in each evolution stage if they choose to evolve naturally. In stable environments, many choose to remain as Dratini. No reason for migration. Migration occurs only in the harshest of climates. Dragonair has the ability to temporarily change the weather. It can help them move out of harsh climates more safely. I'm guessing that Dragonite is not a preferred form for the Dragonite line. Dragonite are rare in the wild. They may fly to an island where only other Dragonite are. The lifestyle of Dragonair and Dragonite seem very different. It might mean they aren't compatible after evolving. I'd wager most stay as Dratini or Dragonair.

#0150 MEWTWO: Some Mewtwo clones are naturally malicious. Their presence in the comics confirms that humans once existed in the comic's universe. 

#0175.0176.0468 TOGEPI/TOGETIC/TOGEKISS: A small percentage of Togepi, around 5%, have been found to exhibit signs of psychopathy. None of the Togepi found in this percentage have been shown to be able to evolve. 

#0245 SUICUNE: All bodily fluid from Suicune has a purifying effect. 

#0280.0281.0282 RALTS/KIRLIA/GARDEVOIR: In some cultures, male Kirlia is expected to go through a "coming of age" ritual. If they fail to pass, they're stuck evolving as a Gardevoir. They must find a Dawn Stone in order to evolve. Dawn Stones used to be found around Victory Road or Mount Silver, so it must have been a feat. 

#0285.0286 SHROOMISH/BRELOOM: Shroomish and Breloom can be found in different variants of poisonous and nonpoisonous. The non-poisonous variants will always have the Poison Heal ability; dangerous mushroom variants will always have the Effect Spore ability. Technician is not affected by the variant of mushroom, though non-dangerous variants are more likely to inherit it. It's a recessive ability in the Breloom line.

#0316.0317 GULPIN/SWALOT: Gulpin evolves based on how much it consumes.

#0568.0569 TRUBBISH/GARBODOR: Trubbish evolves based on how much it consumes.  Trubbish defecates to Autotomize.

#0605.0606 ELGYEM/BEHEEYEM: Beheeyem are naturally malicious. Many are in positions of research. 

#0610.0611.0612 AXEW/FRAXURE/HAXORUS: Their evolution is based on intelligence. The more knowledge they get, the more likely they will evolve. Their culture revolves around intelligence. One is not likely to find a mate if they do not know much. They pride themselves on their memory. They will not write down the history of their people; instead, they prefer to spread it through oral stories. 

#0624.0625.0982 PAWNIARD/BISHARP/KINGAMBIT: In order for a Bisharp to evolve, it must slay a Dragon-type Pokemon.

#0659.0660 BUNNELBY/DIGGERSBY: Bunnelsby is considered by many to be barbarian (doesn't have human-level intelligence).

#0677.0678 ESPURR/MEOWSTICM/MEOWSTICF: Female Meowstic are naturally malicious.

#0679.0680.0681 HONEDGE/DOUBLADE/AEGISLASH: They are essentially vampires. Every cut they make via direct contact, they absorb the blood drawn for energy. They also drain your soul energy when you wield them.

#0686.0687 INKAY/MALAMAR: Malamar are naturally malicious. Malamar are considered the most dangerous Pokemon on the planet and probably had their population genocided to extinction long ago.

#0744.0745 ROCKRUFF/LYCANROC: Their evolution is based on how much of their high-impact life experiences happen during a certain time of day. A large percentage of Midnight Lycanroc have at least one criminal conviction.

#0786 TAPU LELE: Tapu Lele are naturally malicious. 

#0800 NECROZMA: Necrozma is naturally malicious but is barbaric (doesn't have human-level intelligence). It's like a tiger. 

#0824.0825.0826 BLIPBUG/DOTTLER/ORBEETLE: Around 30% of the Orbeetle population is naturally malicious.

#0856.0857.0858 HATENNA/HATTREM/HATTERENE: Hatterene is naturally malicious. Like Malamar, they are likely to have been genocided to near extinction.

#0859.0860.0861 IMPIDIMP/MORGREM/GRIMMSNARL: Considered the fools/donkeys of the universe.

#0870 FALINKS/FAILINKS: When Falinks faints, it revives as Failinks. Failinks is unable to withstand one attack, but the caveat is that it gains the ability Wonder Guard, so only a super-effective move can take it down with its new Ghost/Fighting typing. 

#0957.0958.0959 TINKATINK/TINKATUFF/TINKATON: They're considered by many to be barbarian (doesn't have human-level intelligence)


  • Pure Dragon-Type Pokemon have the longest lifespan out of most Pokemon.
  • Psychics have a high suicide rate compared to other Types.
  • Psychic Pokemon also have a high violent mental crime rate. It's heavily underreported for obvious reasons.
  • Psychic Pokemon that are smart enough have a mental barrier to keep other Psychics from getting into their mind.
  • Some Psychic species have seizures because their brain hasn't evolved enough to withstand their own power.
  • It is a common belief that all Psychics have the capability to alter one's memories. Only 14% (6) of 39 pure Psychic types meet this criteria; only 4% (1) of 27 primary Psychic types meet this criteria; only 6% (2) of 36 secondary Psychic types meet this criteria. Mnemosurgery (memory alteration) is a very skilled practice that no non-Psychic can perform nor have many Psychics mastered. Establishing completely new memories instead of rerouting neuron paths would require a lot of intelligence. That requires basically creation of new 'life'. Like Arceus making a new egg. You're creating something out of nothing. Alakazam, Mewtwo, Mew, Uxie, and few Beheeyem can do that. 
  • Pokemon who aren't Psychic Type themselves can't transport much more than themselves, so instant teleportation transportation services are only offered by Psychic types. Non-Psychics just don't have enough Psychic power to carry other objects than themselves. I imagine some Pokemon may accidentally not teleport their entire body and end up dead.
  • There's a stigma of using a Psychic therapist versus a non-Psychic therapist in this world.  Some people would see it similar to lose-weight-fast like liposuction/gastric bypass (even though if you're not committed/educated on how to control your eating, you'll end up right back where you started regardless). Others would see it as a cheap way out; you didn't put in any work to fix yourself. You had a Psychic do it for you. Who's to say they didn't change anything else in your head? Why can't you put in some effort yourself to change who you are rather than relying on others to change you for you? I think Psychics truly would be the safest option for some heinous shit that you cannot 'change', such as sexual attraction to children (there are pedophiles that do not want to be attracted to children and are disgusted by their attraction; there are also criminals that could benefit greatly from the erasure of sexual attraction to children from their minds). Makes me think about the prison system, now.
  • The system of law would be different here with Psychics. You no longer would automatically be sentenced to prison for sexually assaulting a child. You would be given a choice to visit a Psychic therapist to have these wicked desires erased from your mind. You would serve much less time. If you refused, it would label you as someone truly disgusting in their society, even if you had genuine reasons for not wanting to go through with the Psychic therapy. Reasons such as not trusting them to change more than who you are. Having a bad experience with a Psychic in the past. Some people don't think there's anything wrong with it even if society says otherwise. Some people don't think it's right for Psychics to change people like that. Even if it's for the better. Then you have some Pokemon that can't naturally get mind changed by a Psychic. Said Pokemon might have too many mental barriers for even a Psychic to get around. Pokemon might be Dark type. A Psychic can get around that with Miracle Eye (lets a Psychic's moves work on Dark types) but very few Psychics can learn that move. It would be a move that requires years of experience to learn, meaning there's a very small pool of Psychic therapists that are available to do that to a Dark type convict. 
  • List of naturally malicious Psychics: Drowzee, Hypno, some Mewtwo clones, Beheeyem, Meowstic, Tapu Lele (bitch), Malamar (the most dangerous Pokemon on the planet and probably had their population genocided to near extinction long ago), Hatterene (also likely to be genocided to near extinction), and like 30% of the Orbeetle population. Necrozma is naturally malicious but is feral (doesn't have human-level intelligence). It's like a tiger. Deoxys might be malicious. Unsure on that so far. Viruses are almost always malicious. There can be bad Psychics outside of the ones listed. They're uncommon and likely solitary.
  • Most Psychics have the ability to control people in some form or another; few Psychics have the ability to mentally rewrite you. If Dark Pokemon weren't prevalent in an area, who's to say that Psychics don't take heavy advantage of that and manipulate the population?
  • Ghost, Psychic, Fighting, and Rock might lean more towards emotion-based evolution than other Types. 


  • Poison Point is a conscious activation, much like how a Rapidash can choose not to burn you with its flames. 
  • OHKO moves do not knock out; they kill. They are considered forbidden moves. There would always be the chance that your Pokemon might die in competition. The Elite Four has never banned the OHKO moves. Fissure might be the only one realistically survivable (fainting). Sheer Cold would bring your cells to absolute zero. That is impossible to recover from. Horn Drill would eviscerate you to the point of no recovery. Guillotine would kill you, not recoverable.
  • Psychic moves don't work on Dark types. However, that is not to say that Psychic abilities do not work on Dark types, as the games clearly show they do. For example, abilities like Telepathy are 100% Psychic-based, yet the ability works on Dark-type allies. Perhaps it's that the Pokemon are allies that the Dark type opens its mind to the Psychic. Then there's Psychic Surge, which prevents high priority moves from being used, which would disable Dark-type high priority moves such as Obstruct or Snatch. With Anticipation, it works against Dark-type enemies for the Psychic to know whether the opponent has a super effective move against it--meaning the Psychic must be able to read the Dark-type opponent's mind. This means that there's some inherent 'Miracle Eye' involved in Psychic-based abilities without actually requiring Miracle Eye as a move. It might be a discrepancy that GameFreak never picked up on.
  • They are not restricted to four moves. They learn moves by being creative or by seeing others do one and practicing it. Some of them are truly hereditary. This means that the Pokemon will know how to do it without learning or creativity. This is akin to natural instincts in real life. For example, the archerfish instinctively knows to spit water at an insect from above to get it to drop in the water so the archerfish can eat. A cat knows its claws can be used as defense and it knows how to growl and hiss _from birth_. All egg moves are considered hereditary (only when it's passed down from a parent). TMs are just books that describe how to do a move. It's akin to teaching you how to whistle. You still have to practice. You may never be able to do the whistle regardless.
  • Since they removed the move Telekinesis from Gen VIII onwards, the following VIII Pokemon can learn it: Blipbug, Dottler, Orbeetle, Hatenna, Hattrem, Hatterene, Mr. Rime, Runerigus, Indeedee, Dreepy, Drakloak, Dragapult, Spectrier, Calyrex, Wyrdeer, possibly Basculegion. Note that as most Pokemon cannot learn it through leveling up, it is rare to see a Pokemon be able to use Telekinesis. 
  • Moves that give Frostbite end up with permanent damage and limb amputation. Curse, Destiny Bond, Last Respects (would love to see Failinks have this move), Nightmare,  Perish Song, Memento  can or will cause death instantly. 


  • Pokemon are more resilient than animals, given how much they get beat up in battles. Getting stabbed straight through isn't a death sentence like it would be for regular animals.
  • A Baby Pokemon will never be able to have an adult's maturity. They can be traumatized like children of war... but they won't have the 'common sense' of an adult.
  • Pokemon are genetically unstable creatures. It is by sheer coincidence in evolution they are able to maintain their form and survive.
  • Shiny Pokemon tend to have health issues. 1/8000 could be odds of 1/1 million for certain Pokemon. I wouldn't use the 1/8000 rate because that's a rate set for every single species in the game rather than different rates for individual ones. I'd imagine Pokemon that are very low in numbers and inbreed at some point will have higher shiny rates than those that are very common and genetically diverse. There are probably radioactive Pokemon out there that fuck up the gametes of other Pokemon by proximity alone, not including battling, which might increase the odds of creating a shiny offspring (though the offspring is more likely to be mutated in other ways, too). Deoxys was originally a virus that got mutated by a laser beam. If a laser beam can do that, imagine what other things Pokemon unintentionally mutate.
  • Evolution stones are radioactive. 
  • A Harmony Scarf are likely to give you cancer. That type of rapid, unstable evolution/deevolution would destabilize their cells further.
  • Legendary Pokemon, I guess are the equivalent of extremely rare animals that you haven't even heard of (most Pokemon haven't heard of them) and are very low in population numbers. Such as the Saola. Think less than 50 alive. I'd say around 10-20 on the entire planet per species. And I say there are multiples because the same legendary species can be found in multiple regions, and because Lugia and her baby Silver have shown that Legendaries can reproduce.
  • Pokemon have different rates at which gaining experience causes them to level up. I see the level100 cap as reaching your genetic limit. Every person has a genetic limit to how much physical strength they can get. So level 100 is that genetic limit. Level 100 for one Pokemon may seem like level 40 for other Pokemon. That being said, there's no actual 'levels' in the comic much like there are no actual 'levels' in the anime.
  • Pokemon that normally evolve through trading in game evolve in the comics via feelings of betrayal or intense sadness. A Pokemon that requires trading to evolve is traded, and then pops out of the Pokeball to see its new owner. Only after that does it evolve. Therefor, those types of strong feelings must help it evolve. Those are for Trade only Pokemon and not ones that require holding an item as well. Onix, for example, has canonically evolved naturally over time as its body becomes polished like steel. A Metal Coat would speed up that process, but doesn't require trading.
  • Evolution line does not equal age. 
  • Husuian water is nasty.
  • In Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal, gender is based on physical attack compared to gender ratio. A Pokemon is female if it's physical attack is less or equal to its species' gender ratio, otherwise it is male. It isn't present in future games, but there are things in future games that conflict with parts of other games, so I take what will fit a story/universe closely to reality. In this case, female animals on average are weaker than male animals in the real world. There are some exceptions to Pokemon, such as the odd female that ends up stronger than the male, or species like Salandit, where the females are much more likely to be stronger than the males due to nutritional factors (male Salazzle DO exist in this world. They're rare, though. They are likely to be ones that mutated genetically to be immune to female Salazzle's pheromones).


  •  TEAM ROCKET: Team Rocket would be less focused on the childish "be evil" as much as focusing on capitalizing hard. Breeding designer Pokemon of different colors, monopolizing the fashion industry with those designer Pokemon as well as the pet ownership of Pokemon. Example: animal breeding in real life. Breeding the perfect 'stats' for the Pokemon (through illegal means such as heavy gene modification or drugs, but the owners don't know this) in certain countries where laws are more lax. Those Pokemon then exported to other countries to be resold. Shinies are like the albinos of the real world: they're sought after but not as sought after as other odd colors that aren't commonly seen. They are the ones that breed rare Pokemon and allow safari hunts (though they don't use the money to preserve the species). They are the monopoly holders for all hunting licenses. CITES is run by them. Fish/Wildlife run by them (they're in the government). I would go so far as to say they'd be involved in sex trafficking of both Pokemon and children, since that's one of the biggest underground industries in the wealthy world (children) and poor countries with high tourism rates (Pokemon/animals). They would have more influence and power than any other Team __ in the Pokemon history. They're viewed favorly by the majority of society because media about them is heavily filtered (their hands are in other pockets). There is little dissent against them. People who have power who speak against them often quietly change their minds over time. Team Rocket visited them and a Psychic Pokemon forced their mind to change. Very few know of it. Maybe some Rocket members participate in "dogfighting" on the side, where their Pokemon can and will die in a match. But I don't think it would be heavily supported by Team Rocket as something they'd invest in. They'd breed Pokemon, which is where stud fees come into play. But dogfighting involves so many unknown variables. There's a lack of control in the people you can involve; much easier for a fed to slip into your ring than child prostitution. So I don't think Team Rocket would involve themselves in the gambling of that or tickets.

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