Friday, October 4, 2024

Black Between White

 (2022) A side comic of Tell Me More

This comic fetishizes rape. I don't like how this came out. I'm going to post it anyway because I already drew it. You should read Tell Me More before reading this comic. Noctua is not capable of being emotionally traumatized by sexual assault due to her programming as a police officer robot. Video of what Noctua went through. A page will be posted every other day. I’m currently working on the side comic for Corrosion. Work is busy. It’s hard finding time to work on it. 

As of 8-23-2024 I've censored the NSFW. I've never thought it was good to fetishize rape. I was trying to show anyone what I've been through. I can't talk about it with anyone in real life because of some extenuating circumstances related to my job. But this comic has been used as a talking point against me holding positions on certain types of porn. So I'm censoring it so that the message of those experiences will still be there.  

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